Steve O.’s Story
I have struggled with alcoholism and addiction since I was 14 years old. That’s an almost 40-year history of bad choices due largely to drinking and using drugs. I’ve spent about 12 years of my life in prison for decisions I made while under the influence of one thing or another. The Safe Place gave me a different Avenue to travel.
The director and program coordinator were both instrumental in the successes that have been showing up in my life. Just like its name, it was a safe environment for me to grow in recovery and meet like-minded people in the Cedar Rapids recovery community.
There were resources readily available for me that, without Safe Place, I would never have even known about. My five months stay there was a spiritual springboard to actually becoming a member of this community and evolving into a person today that can look in the mirror and smile. That wasn’t the case before.
I have been clean/sober for two years now and have no doubt that my stay at Safe Place was largely responsible for this miraculous change in my life. I am grateful for this resource and would recommend it to anyone who truly wants to find the solution to their own problems.
Thank you,
Steve O., Former Safe Place Foundation Resident